Building Information Modelling (BIM) is the process of creating, managing and sharing structured information to allow for greater collaboration and better built projects. BIM is revolutionizing the way the construction industry manages its assets. By ensuring everyone in the supply chain shares information in a collaborative way, BIM encourages the use of a consistent management framework that helps mitigate costs and delays. It is effective information management in a team environment, where everyone aspires to work to the same standards. Essentially, BIM creates value from the combined efforts of people, process and technology. It allows those who work within BIM to optimize their actions – resulting in greater overall value
The global construction industry is increasingly becoming more critical to a country’s growth and economy. From sustaining local businesses to providing the infrastructure they need to compete on an international level.
The benefits of BIM can be seen in the operational phase of buildings and infrastructure of those already utilizing the process; creating a workforce that is more efficient, competitive and forward-thinking.
With the Gulf leading the way and demonstrating the clear cut benefits of digital construction technology, other countries will soon follow in its footsteps. For the global construction industry, this presents an exciting opportunity to embrace change, increase productivity and secure new contracts worldwide.
To ensure you make the most of this opportunity, our new BIM training courses provide the knowledge and practical skill to help you get ahead.
As the only training center for all courses related to Construction Management & Structural Designing, BIM course curriculum at EDGE-SCOM is well crafted keeping in mind the practicalities of the applications in it.
BIM is more than just working in a digital environment. It’s about ensuring teams have the relevant knowledge and capabilities to achieve best practice and the continued drive to commit to it.
Developed in conjunction with leading industry consultants and trends, our training courses provide the most relevant and up-to-date information in the market.
You’ll learn how to effectively manage information across all stages of your construction projects. All our training courses are fully aligned to the international standards so you can start delivering projects to meet requirements early. Wherever you are on your journey, whatever your role, this course will help you be more efficient at what you do.
Introduction to BIM
BIM Application Areas
Advantages of BIM
BIM Tools
Project Life Cycle & BIM
Level of Detail in BIM
BIM in Construction Management
Project Scheduling in BIM
Cost Estimation in BIM
BIM & Clash Detection using
Structural Modelling & Analysis in
BIM & Sustainability
Energy Modelling Applications
Whole Building Energy Analysis
BIM 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D & 7D application
& Implementation
Starting NavisWorks, Visual Project Model, Reviews, TimeLiner, Animator, Scripter, Presenter Basics,Advanced Presented Features, Clash Detection
Pay and Book your seat by paying ₹ 1000/- as registration fees. For course fees, kindly contact us.
Trainees earn the EDGE-SCOM Certification after completing the program requirements which are designed and developed in compliance with international standards and ongoing update based not only on the latest international principles and practices, but also field research first-hand experience, and in-depth knowledge of the market and the specific requirements of organizations.
The certification can be easily verified by employers on their LinkedIn profiles which makes their profile stand out from the rest.